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  HTS, PVT, PTS II Literature: More than 100 papers, starting 1974
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1. Cooper J, Feldman J, Pasner K. Intermittent Exotropia: Stimulus Characteristics Affect Tests for Retinal Correspondence and Suppression. Bin Vis & Eye Mus Qtly. 15(2):131-140, 2000

2. Cooper J, Pollack G, Ciuffreda K, Kruger, Feldman J. Accommodative and Vergence Findings in Myasthenia Gravis: A Case Report. Journal Neuro-Ophthalmology. 20(1): 5-11, 2000.

3. Uche A, Cooper J Feldman J, Janus S, Digman K. The Clinical Efficacy of Paremyd with and without Dapiprazole in Subjects with Light and Dark Brown Irides. Optometry and Vis. Sci. 76:94-101, 1999.

4. Cooper J, Burns C, Cotter S, Daum KM, Griffin JR, Scheiman M. Optometric Clinical Guideline: Care of the patient with accommodative or vergence dysfunction. Am. Optom. Ass. 1998.

5. Cooper J. Intermittent Exotropia of the Divergence Excess Type - A View Point Journal of Behavioral Optometry, 1997

6. Cooper J, Feldman J, Janus S, Appleman W, Appel S, Horn D. Pupillary Dilation and Funduscopy with 1% Hydroamphetamine Plus .25% Tropicamide (Paremyd) Versus Tropicamide (.5% Or 1%) as a Function of Iris and Skin Pigmentation, and Age. J Am Opt Ass . 67(11):669-75, 1996.

7. Cooper J, Ciuffreda KJ, Carniglia PE, Zinn KM, Tannen B. Orthoptic Treatment and Eye Movement Recordings in Guillain-Barre?Syndrome. A case report. Neuro-ophthalmology 15(5):249-256, 1995.

8. Cooper J, Medow N. Correspondence: Sensory Status in Intermittent Exotropia. Bin Vis Eye Mus Surg Qtly. 9:11-12, 1994.

9. Cooper J, Medow N. Intermittent Exotropia of the Divergence Excess Type: Basic and Divergence Excess Type (Major Review). Bin Vis Eye Mus Surg Qtly 8:187-222, 1993.

10. Cooper J, Feldman J, Eichler R. Relative Strength of Central and Peripheral Fusion as a Function of Stimulus Parameters. Opt. Vis Sci, 69: 1992.

11. Feldman JM., Cooper J, Eichler R. Effect of Various Stimulus Parameters on Fusional Horizontal Amplitudes in Normal Humans. Bin Vis Eye Mus Surg Qtly 8:23-32, 1993.

12. Cooper, J. Clinical Implications of Vergence Adaptation. Opt Vis Sci, 69 (4): 300-307, 1992.

13. Carniglia P, Cooper J. Vergence Adaptation in Esotropia. Opt Vis Sci, 69 (4): 308-313, 1992.

14. Feldman J, Cooper J, Reinstein F, Swiatoca J. Asthenopia Induced by Computer-Generated Fusional Vergence Targets. Opt Vis Sci, 69: 710-716, 1992.

15. Cooper, J. Ch. 14: Stereopsis. In Procedures in Optometry. Eds. Amos J., Eskridge B. Bartlett Lippencott, 1991.

16. Lieberman, S., Cooper, J. Single Maxillary Central Incisor Syndrome: Associated Bilateral Duane's Syndrome. Bin Vis Qtly 6:151-154,1991.

17. Feldman J, Cooper J, Carniglia P, Schiff FM, Sheete TN. Comparison of Fusional Ranges Measured by Risley Prisms, Vectograms, and Computer Orthoptics, Optom and Vis Sci 66(6): 375-382, 1989.

18. Cooper, J, Kruger P, Panariello GF. The Pathognomonic Pattern of Accommodative Fatigue in Myasthenia Gravis. Binocular Vision and Eye Muscle Surgery Qtly. 3:141-148, 1988.

19. Cooper J. Review of Computerized Orthoptics with Specific Regard to Convergence Insufficiency. Am. J. of Optom. and Phys. Optics. 65(6): 455-463, 1988.

20. Cooper J. Orthoptic Treatment of Vertical Deviations. J Amer Optom Ass. 59 (6): 463-468, 1988.

21. Cooper J. "Diagnosis and Remediation of Accommodative Anomalies", Chapter in Clinical Diagnosis of Optometric Problem Ed: John Amos Butterworth Publications, 1987.

22. Cooper J, Feldman JM, Selenow A, Fair R, Bucciero F, MacDonald D, Levy M. Reduction of Asthenopia Following Accommodative Facility Training. Am J Optom Physiol Opt. 64, 30-436, 1987.

23. Sutija VG, Eiden SB, Wicjer DM, Horn D, Cooper J, Appleman W. Electrophysiological Assessment of Visual Deficit in Glaucoma. Appl. Optics, 26, 1421-1431, 1987.

24.. Eiden B, Cooper J, Horn D, London R. Inter-examiner Reliability of the Cup to Disc Ratio Assessment. Am. J of Opt. & Phys. Optics, 73: 9, 1986.

25. Cooper J, Record CD. Suppression and Retinal Correspondence in Intermittent Exotropia. Brit J Ophth. 700: 673-676, 1986.

26. Schnider C, Ciuffreda K, Cooper J, and Kruger P. Accommodation Dynamics in Divergence Excess Exotropia. Investigative Ophthalmology, 25: 414-418, 1984.

27. Cooper J, Selenow A, Ciuffreda J, Feldman J, Faverty J, Hokoda S. Reduction of Asthenopia in Patients with Convergence Insufficiency Following Fusional Vergence Training. Am J Opt Physl Opt, 60: 982-989,1983.

28. Cooper J, Citron M. Microcomputer Produced Anaglyphs for Evaluation and Therapy of Binocular Anomalies. Journal of the American Optometric Association, 65: 185-188, 1983.

29. Panariello G, Cooper J. Surgical and Post Surgical Complications from Cataract Extraction. Journal of the American Optometric Association, 54: 710-720, 1983.

30. Cooper J, Ciuffreda K, Kruger P. Stimulus and Response AC/A Ratios in Intermittent Exotropia of the Divergence Excess Type. British Journal of Ophthalmology, 66(6): 398-904, 1982.

31. Cooper J, Medow N, Dibble C. Mortality Rates in Strabismic Surgery. Journal of the American Optometric Association, 53(5): 391-395, 1982.

32. Cooper J, Horn D, Dibble C. Reliability of fixation disparity curves. Am J Optom Phys Opt. 58:960-64, 1981.

33. Feldman J, Cooper J. Rapid Assessment of Stereopsis in Preverbal Children Using Operant Techniques: A Preliminary Study. Journal of the American Optometric Association, 51(8): 767-771, 1980.

34. Cooper J, Feldman J. Operant Conditioning of Fusional Convergence Ranges Using Random Dot Stereograms. American Journal of Optometry & Physiological Optics, 57(4): 205-213, 1980.

35. Cooper J, Feldman J. Assessing the Frisby Stereo Test Under Monocular Viewing Conditions. Journal of the American Optometric Association, 50(7): 807-809, 1979.

36. Cooper J, Feldman J. Panoramic Viewing, Visual Acuity of the Deviating Eye and Anomalous Retinal Correspondence in the Intermittent Exotropia of the Divergence Excess Type. American Journal of Optometry & Psychological Optics, 56(7): 422-429, 1979.

37. Cooper J, Feldman J, Medlin D. Comparing Stereoscopic Performance of Children Using the Titmus, TNO, and Randot Stereo Tests. Journal of the American Optometric Association, 50(7): 821-825, 1979.

38. Sherman J, Cooper J. Advanced Diagnostic Procedure for Evaluating the Visual Status of the Child. Journal of the American Optometric Association, 50(10): 1139-1149, 1979.

39. Cooper J. Clinical Stereopsis Testing: Contour and Random Dot Stereograms. Journal of the American Optometric Association, 50(1): 41-46, 1979.

40. Cooper J, Feldman J. Random Dot Stereogram Performance by Strabismic, Amblyopic and Ocular Pathology Patients in an Operant Discrimination Task. American Journal of Optometry & Physiological Optics, 55(9): 599-609, 1978.

41. Cooper J, Feldman J. Operant Conditioning and the Assessment of Stereopsis in Young Children. American Journal of Optometry & Physiological Optics, 55(8): 532-542, 1978.

42. Cooper J, Duckman R. Convergence Insufficiency: Diagnosis and Treatment. Journal of the American Optometric Association, 49(6):, 1978.

43. Cooper J. A Case Report: Treatment of a Decompensating Esotropia Who Had Diplopia and Vertex Headaches. Journal of American Optometric Association, 48(12): 1557-1558, 1977.

44. Cooper J, Warshowsky J. Lateral Displacement as a Response Cue in the Titmus Stereo Test. American Journal of Optometry & Physiological Optics, 54(8):, 1977.

45. Cooper J. Intermittent Exotropia of the Divergence Excess Type. Journal of the American Optometric Association, 48(10): 1251-1273, 1977.

46. Cooper J. Random Dot Stereopsis in Advanced Diagnostic Procedures. Ed: J. Sherman, Optometric Extension Program, 2 (1&2): 1-13, 1976.

47. Lieberman S, Pollard S, Cooper J, Flax N. The Utilization of a Consulting Clinical Psychologist Within an Urban Vision Training Clinic. American Journal of Optometry & Physiological Optics, 57(7): 493-481, 1974.

48. Cooper J, Lieberman S, Flax N. Analysis of Optometric Findings Using a Punch Card Retrieval System. American Journal of Optometry & Physiological Optics, 52(7): 478-481, 1974.