Irlen Syndrome Literature: More than
300 papers, starting 1955
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1. Adler, L.,
& Attwood, M. (1987). Poor Readers: what
do they really see on the page? A study of
a major cause of dyslexia. Los Angeles CA:
Los Angeles County Office of Education.
2. Anstice, J. (2000). Eye movements:
Their importance for reading and some of the
factors that disrupt them. Paper presented
to the 6th Irlen International Conference,
Australia, 5-8 July.
3. American Music Teacher (1996, June/July)
Dyslexia or Scotopic Sensitivity Syndrome?
The Official Journal of Music Teachers National
Association. 16-17.
4. Barbolini, G., Caffo, E., Robinson,
G.L., & Wright, A. (1998). Light sensitivity
and some pervasive developmental disorders:
autistic disorder, Aspergers disorder. Modena
International Conference on Autism and Pervasive
Developmental Disorders. Univer. Of Modena,
Italy, 26-27 March.
5. Barbolini, G., Migaldi, M., Wright,
A., & Irlen, H. (1996). A biological and
medical approach to remedial chromotherapy.
Irlen Institute, Fourth International Directors/Screeners
Conference, June 27-30, New Orleans, LA.
6. Barbolini, G., Wright, A., Migaldi.
M., & Irlen, H. (1996). A biological approach
to remedial chromotherapy. Published in the
form of a booklet. Available from: Irlen Centre
East, 4 Park Farm Business Centre, Fornham
St. Genevieve Bury St. Edmunds Suffolk IP28
6TS, UK.
7. Black, H. (1999). Emilys violet-colored
glasses. Womans World, Oct. 19, 1999, 43.
8. Blakeslee, Sandra. (1991, September
15). Study Ties Dyslexia to Brain Flaw Affecting
Vision and Other Senses. The New York Times.
9. Blaskey, P., Sheiman, M., Parisi,
M., Ciner, E.B., Gallaway, M., & Selznick,
R. (1990). The Effectiveness of Irlen Filters
for improved reading performance: A pilot
study. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 23,
10. Borsting, E., Ridder, W.H., Dudeck,
K., Kelley, C., Matsuir, L., & Motoyama,
J. (1996). The presence of a magnocellular
defect depends on the type of dyslexia. Vision
Research, 36, 1047-1053.
11. Bouldoukian, J.,, Wilkins, A.J.,
& Evans, Bruce J.W. (2002). Randomised
controlled trial of the effect of coloured
overlays on the rate of reading of people
with specific learning difficulties. Ophthalmological
and Physiological Optics, 22, 55-60.
12. Bouma, H., & Legein, Ch.P.
(1977). Foveal and parfoveal recognition of
letters and words by dyslexics and by average
readers. Neuropsycholgica, 15, 69-80.
13. Bouma, H., & Legein, Ch.P.
(1980). Dyslexia: A specific recoding deficit?
An analysis of response latencies for letters
and words in dyslexics and average readers.
Neuropsychologica, 18, 285-298.
14. Brannan, J.R., & Williams,
M.C. (1988). Developmental versus sensory
deficit effects on perceptual processing in
the reading disabled. Perception and Psychophysics,
44, 437-444.
15. Breitmeyer, B. (1980). Unmasking
visual masking: a look at the why behind
the veil of the how. Psychology Review,
87, 52-69.
16. Breitmeyer, B.G. (1989). A visually
based deficit in specific reading disability.
The Irish Journal of Psychology, 10, 534-541.
17. Breitmeyer, B.G. (1993). Sustained
(P) and transient (M) channels in vision:
a review and implications for reading. In
D.M. Willows, R.S. Kruk, & E. Corcos (Eds.),
Visual processes in reading and reading disabilities.
Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum. 95-110.
18. Breitmeyer, B.F., & Breier,
J.I. (1994). Effects of background color on
reaction time to stimuli varying in size and
contrast: inferences about human M channels.
Vision Research, 34, 1039-1045.
19. Breitmeyer, B.F., & Ogmen,
H. (2000). Recent models and findings in visual
backward masking: a comparison, review, and
update. Perception & Psychophysics, 62(8)
20. Breitmeyer, B.F., & Williams,
M.C. (1990). Effects of isoluminant-background
color on metacontrast and stroboscopic motion:
Interactions between sustained (P) and transient
(M) channels. Vision Research, 30(7) 1069-7052
21. Bruck, M. (1990). Word-recognition
skills of adults with childhood diagnoses
of dyslexia. Developmental Psychology, 26.
22. Bulmer, J. (1994). Sensory overload
and general well being: Can adults be helped
by using Irlen lenses? Unpublished honors
thesis, Chester College of Higher Education,
Chester, UK.
23. Burgess, J. (1990). Long term evaluation
of the effect of Irlen tinted lenses on academic
and related skills. Unpublished M.Ed. Thesis.
University of Canberra, Belconnen A.C.T.
24. Canino, F.J. (1981). Learned helplessness
theory: Implications for research in learning
disabilities. The Journal of Special Education,
15, 471-484.
25. Carlile, C. (1997). Scotopic sensitivity
syndrome sheds new light on reading disability.
Texas Reading Report, 19(4), 1-13.
26. Carmean, S., & Irlen, H.L.
The relationship of Irlen reading filter hues
and contrast sensitivity. Unpublished manuscript.
27. Chan, L.K.S., & Robinson, G.L.W.
(1989). The effects of comprehension monitoring
instruction for reading disabled students
with and without tinted lenses. Australian
Journal of Special Education, 13, 4-13
28. Chan, L.K.S., & Robinson, G.L.W.
(1990). The effects of poor readers responsiveness
to metacognition instruction in comprehension.
Department of Education, University of Newcastle,
29. Chase, C.H. (1996). A visual deficit
model of developmental dyslexia. In C.H. Chase,
G.D. Rose, & G.F. Sherman (eds.), Developmental
dyslexia: neural, cognitive, and genetic mechanisms
(pp. 127-156). Timonium, MD: York Press.
30. Chase, C.H., & Jenner, A. (1993).
Magnocellular processing deficits affect temporal
processing of dyslexics. Annals of the New
York Academy of Sciences, 682, 326-330.
31. Chase, C., Ashourzadeh, A., Kelly,
C., Monfette, S., & Kinsey, K. (2003).
Can the magnocullular pathway read? Evidence
from studies of color. Vision Research, 43,
32. Chelva, E., Collins, D.W.K., Levy,
R.L., & McLaren, T.L. (1987). Preliminary
electrophysical testing of subjects with prescribed
Irlen tinted lenses. Dept. Biophysics, Sir
Charles Gairdner Hospital. Paper presented
at the Dyslexia Research Foundation Seminar,
Perth, W.A.
33. Cheng, A., Eysel, U., & Vidyasagar,
T. (2004). The role of the magnocellular pathway
in serial deployment of visual attention.
European Journal of Neuroscience, 20(8), 2188-2192.
34. Chronicle, E.P., & Wilkins,
A.J. (1991) Colour and visual discomfort in
migraineurs. The Lancet, 338, 890.
35. Clay, M.M., & Imlach, R.H.
(1971). Juncture, pitch and stress as reading
behaviour variables. Journal of Verbal Learning
and Verbal Behaviour, 10, 133-139.
36. Colson, D. (2000). Thanks to Womans
World, my son can finally read. Womans World,
March 14, 3.
37. Conlon, E. (2000). Visual Perceptual
Problems in Reading: Their relationship to
reading disability and neural processing.
Paper presented to the 6th Irlen International
Conference, Australia. 5-8 July.
38. Cotton, M.M., & Evans, K.M.
(1990). An evaluation of Irlen Lenses as a
treatment for specific reading disorders.
Australian Journal of Psychology, 42, 1-12.
39. Cotton, M.M., & Evans, K.M.
(1994). Parents and childrens expectations
about Irlen (tinted) lenses. Perceptual and
Motor Skills, 78, 1387-1390.
40. Coyle, Barbara (1955). Use of filters
to treat visual-perception problem creates
adherents and skeptics. Canadian Medical Association
Journal, 152(5) 749-750.
41. Creedon, M.P., & Reese, M.
Attention and perceptual skills of students
with autism using Irlen coloured filters.
Unpublished manuscript. Hospital & Medical
Center, Chicago.
42. Croyle, L., (1998). Rate of reading,
visual processing, colour and contrast. Australian
Journal of Learning Disabilities, 3, 13-21.
43. Croyle, M., & Solman R. (1996).
Vision, reading and colour. Presentation to
20th Annual conference of Australian Association
of Special Education.
44. Croyle, L., Elliott, R., &
Dain, S. (1997). Reading, visual processing,
colour and contrast. (Unpublished manuscript,
University of New South Wales, Australia)
45. Davis, M., & Dodds, S. (1986).
New Hope for Dyslexics. New Texas, February/March
46. Demb, J.M., Boynton, G.M., Best,
M., & Heeger, D.J. (1998). Psychophysical
evidence for magnocellular pathway deficit
in dyslexia. Vision Research, 28, 1555-1559.
47. Demb, J.M., Boynton, G.M., &
Heeger, D.J. (1998). Functional magnetic resonance
imaging of early visual pathways in dyslexia.
Journal of Neuroscience, 18, 6939-6951.
48. Di Lollo, V., Hanson, D., &
McIntyre, J.S. (1983). Initial stages of visual
information processing in dyslexia. Journal
of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception
and Performance, 9, 923-925.
49. Eames, T.H. (1957). The relationship
of the central visual field to the speed of
visual perception. American Journal of Opthalmology,
43, 279-280.
50. Eden, G.F., VanMeter, J.W., Rumsey,
J.M., Maisog, J.M., Woods, R.P., & Zeffiro,
T.A. (1996). Abnormal processing of visual
motion in dyslexia revealed by functional
brain imaging. Nature, 382, 66-69.
51. Edwards, V.T., Hogben, J.H., Clark,
C.D., & Pratt, C. (1996). Effects of a
red background on magnocullular functioning
in average and specifically disabled readers.
Vision Research, 36(7) 1037-1045.
52. Evans, B. (1994). The relationship
between optometric problems, visual discomfort
and reading difficulties. Optician, 5436(207),
53. Evans, B.J., Cook, A., Richards,
I.L., & Drasdo, N. (1994). Effect of pattern
glare and colour overlays on a simulated reading
task in dyslexics and normal readers. Optometry
and Vision Science, 71, 619-628.
54. Evans, Bruce J.W., & Joseph,
Florence (2002). The effect of coloured filters
on the rate of reading in an adults student
population. Opthalmological and Physiological
Optics, 22, 535-545.
55. Evans, B.J.W., Patel, R., Wilkins,
A.J., Lightstone, A., Eperjesi, F., Speedwell,
L., & Duffy, J. (1999). A review of the
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56. Fisher, D.F., & Shebliske,
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57. Fletcher, J., & Martinez, G.
(1994). An eye movement analysis of the effects
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and comprehension. Journal of Learning Disabilities,
27, 67-70.
58. Floyd, R.A., Dain, S.J., Elliott,
R.T. (2004). Is the perception of brightness
different in poor readers? School of Optometry
and Vision Science, University of new South
Walkes, NSW 2052, Sydney, Australia, Vision
Research, Jan: 44(2), 221-7.
59. Foorman, B.R., & Liberman,
B.R. (1989). Visual and phonological processing
of words: a comparison of good and poor readers.
Journal of Learning Disabilities, 22, 349-355.
60. Fricker, S. (1989). Do Irlen coloured
glasses improve stereopsis and reading ability
in children who have reading difficulties
caused by visual perceptual distortion when
they look at black print on white paper, and
does their colour vision differ from the normal
population? Unpublished Diploma of Community
Child Health Thesis, Flinders University,
Adelaide, Australia.
61. Geaney, E., McGeady, M., McMahon,
T., Mahon, D., & Mullaney, P. (1991).
Eyes, filters and reading. A pilot study.
Report compiled from a pilot project conducted
at Royal Victoria Eye Hospital, Adelaide Road,
Dublin 2 and at the Irlen Centre, Palmerstown,
Dublin 20.
62. Geiger, G., & Lettvim, J. (1987).
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The New England Journal of Medicine, 20, 1238-1243.
63. Gole, G.A., Dibden, S.N., Pearson,
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of Opthalmology, 17, 137-141.
64. Good, P.A., Taylor, R.H., Ophth,
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September. Department of Ophthalmology, University
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England. Reprint requests to: Mr. P. A. Good.
65. Goodman, K.S., & Gollasch,
E.V. (1980). Word omissions: deliberate and
nondeliberate. Reading Research Quarterly,
16, 6-30.
66. Gray, J. (1999). Visual perceptual
difficulties and reading behavior: Irlen syndrome
and eye colour. Unpublished Doctor of Philosophy
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67. Gregg, P.J. (1989). Dyslexia and
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68. Griffin, D.C., Walton, N.H., &
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69. Grosser, G.S., & Spafford,
C.L. (1989). Perceptual evidence for and anomalous
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of dyslexics: a new hypothesis. Perceptual
and Motor Skills, 68, 683-698.
70. Grosser, G.S., & Spafford,
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72. Haag, S.R. (1984). The IDPS childrens
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74. Hannell G., Gole, G.A., Dibden,
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75. Hazell, P, (2000). Still Going.
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76. Hobbs, M. (1994). A study on the
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manuscript. Study conducted in New Zealand.
77. Holland, K.C., Tyrrell, R., &
Wilkins, A. (1991). The effect of Irlen coloured
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78. Hulme, C., & Hogben, M.J. (1997).
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81. Irlen, H. (1991a). Reading by the
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84. Irlen, H. (1987). Irlen Differential
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85. Irlen, H. (1994). Scotopic Sensitivity/Irlen
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86. Irlen, H. (1994). Dyslexia in higher
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Education International Conference, 31 October
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87. Irlen, H. (1996). Dyslexia in higher
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88. Irlen, H. (1997). Reading problems
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89. Irlen, H. (2000). Looking beyond
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90. Irlen, H., & Lass, M.J. (1989).
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91. Irlen, H., & Robinson, G.L.
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92. Irvine, J.H., & Irvine, E.W.
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96. Johnson, P.J., Saba, G., Dorain,
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