There is an ever-expanding body of peer-reviewed
literature that clearly demonstrates the
link between mental timing and our cognitive
processing and motor capabilities. The
two studies listed in red font are especially
helpful in illustrating the relationship
between temporal processing and the Interactive
1. Agnew, J. A., Dorn, C., &
Eden, G. F. (2004). Effect of intensive training
on auditory processing and reading skills.
Brain and Language, 88(1), 21-25.
2. AlonsoBua, B., Diaz, F., & Ferraces,
M. J. (2006). The contribution of AER-Ps (MMN
and LDN) to studying temporal vs. linguistic
processing deficits in children with reading
difficulties. International Journal of Psychophysiology,
59(2), 159-167.
3. Au, A., & Lovegrove, B. (2001). The
role of visual and auditory temporal processing
in reading irregular and nonsense words. Perception
and Psychophysics, 30(9), 1127-1142.
4. Boets, B., Wouters, J., vanWieringen, A.,
& Ghesquiere, P. (2006). Auditory temporal
information processing in preschool children
at family risk for dyslexia: Relations with
phonological abilities and developing literacy
skills. Brain and Language, 97(1), 64-79.
5. Breier, J. I., Fletcher, J. M., Foorman,
B. R., Klaas, P., &Gray, L. C. (2003).
Auditory temporal processing in children with
specific reading disability with and without
attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder.
Journal of Speech Language and Hearing Research,
46(1), 31- 42.
6. Cacace, A., McFarland, D., Ouimet, J.,
Schriber, E., &Marro, P. (2000). Temporal
processing deficits in remediationresistant
reading-impaired children. Audiology and Neurotology,
5(2), 83-97.
7. Cestnick, L., & Jerger, J. (2000).
Auditory temporal processing and lexical/nonlexical
reading in developmental dyslexics. Journal
of the American Academy of Audiology, 11(9),
8. Cohen-Mimran, R. (2006). Temporal processing
deficits in Hebrew speaking children with
reading disabilities. Journal of Speech Language
and Hearing Research, 49(1), 127- 137.
9. Conlon, E., Sanders, M., & Zapart,
S. (2004). Temporal processing in poor adult
readers. Neuropsychologia, 42(2), 142-157.
10. David, D., Wade-Woolley, L., Kirby, J.,
& Smithrim, K. (2007). Rhythm and reading
development in school-age children: a longitudinal
study. Journal of Research in Reading, 30(2),
11. DeMartino, S., Espesser, R., Rey, V.,
& Habib, M. (2001). The ''temporal processing
deficit'' hypothesis in dyslexia: New experimental
evidence. Brain and Cognition, 46(1-2), 104-108.
12. Droit-Volet, S. & Rattat, A. (2007).
A further analysis of time bisection behavior
in children with and without reference memory:
The similarity and the partition task. Acta
Psychologica, 125, 240-256.
13. Eden, G., Stein, J., Wood, H., & Wood,
F. (1995). Temporal and spatial processing
in reading disabled and normal children. Cortex,
31(3), 451- 468.
14. Edwards, V., Giaschi, D., Dougherty, R.,
Edgell, D., Bjornson, B., Lyons, C., &
Douglas, R. (2004). Psychophysical indexes
of temporal processing abnormalities in children
with developmental dyslexia. Developmental
Neuropsychology, 25(3).
15. Farmer, M. E., & Klein, R. M. (1995).
The evidence for a temporal processing deficit
linked to dyslexia: A review. Psychonomic
Bulletin and Review, 2(4), 460-493.
16. Fink, M., Churan, J., & Wittmann,
M. (2006). Temporal processing and context
dependency of phoneme discrimination in patients
with aphasia. Brain and Language, 98(1), 1-
17. Fortin, C., Champagne, J., & Poirier,
M. (2006. Temporal order in memory and interval
timing: An interference analysis. Acta Psychologica
(in press).
18. Gang, M., & Siegel, L. S. (2002).
Sound-symbol learning in children with dyslexia.
Journal of Learning Disabilities, 35(2), 137-157.
19. Goswami, U. (2003). How to Beat Dyslexia:
The Broadbent Lecture 2003. The Psychologist,
16(9), 462-465.
20. Griffiths, Y. M., Hill, N. I., Bailey,
P. J., & Snowling, M. J. (2003). Auditory
temporal order discrimination and backward
recognition masking in adults with dyslexia.
Journal of Speech Language and Hearing Research,
46(6), 1352-1366.
21. Hautus, M. J., Setchell, G. J., Waldie,
K. E., & Kirk, I. J. (2003). Age-related
improvements in auditory temporal resolution
in reading-impaired children. Dyslexia, 9(1
), 37-45.
22. Heath, S. M., & Hogben, J. H. (2004).
Cost-effective prediction of reading difficulties.
Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research,
47, 751-765.
23. Heath, S. M., & Hogben, J. H. (2004).
The reliability and validity of tasks measuring
perception of rapid sequences in children
with dyslexia. Journal of Child Psychology
and Psychiatry, 45(7), 1275- 1287.
24. Heim, S., Keil, A., & Ihssen, N. (2006).
The relationship between temporal attention
and literacy skills in classroom children.
Zeitschrift Fur Psychologie, 214(4), 196-
25. 25. Helmbold, N., Troche, S. & Rammsayer,
T. (2007). Processing of temporal and nontemporal
information as predictors of psychometric
intelligence: A structural-equation-modeling
approach. Journal of Personality, 75 (5),
26. Hill, P. R., Hogben, J. H., & Bishop,
D. M. V. (2005). Auditory frequency discrimination
in children with specific language impairment:
A longitudinal study. Journal of Speech Language
and Hearing Research, 48(5), 1136-1146.
27. Hood, M., & Conlon, E. (2004). Visual
and auditory temporal processing and early
reading development. Dyslexia, 10(3), 234-252.
28. Kwak, E. (2007). Effect of Rhythmic Auditory
Stimulation on Gait Performance in Children
with Spastic Cerebral Palsy. Journal of Music
Therapy, XLIV (3), 2007,198-216.
29. Laasonen, M., Service, E., & Virsu,
V. (2002). Crossmodal temporal order and processing
acuity in developmentally dyslexic young adults.
Brain and Language, 80(3), 340- 354.
30. Lewis, P. & Miall, C. (2006). Remembering
the time: a continuous clock. Trends in Cognitive
Sciences, 10(9)
31. Mauk, M. & Buonomano, D. (2004). The
Neural Basis of Temporal Processing. Annual
Review of Neuroscience, 27, 307-340.
32. McAnally, K. I., Castles, A., & Stuart,
G. W. (2000). Visual and auditory processing
impairments in subtypes of developmental dyslexia:
A discussion. Journal of Developmental and
Physical Disabilities, 12(2), 145- 156.
33. McGee et al. (2004). Time Perception:
Does it Distinguish ADHD and RD Children in
a Clinical Sample? Journal of Abnormal Child
Psychology, Vol. 32, No. 5, October 2004,
pp. 481?490.
34. Meck, W. Functional and Neural Mechanisms
of Interval Timing (Methods and New Frontiers
in Neuroscience). Chapman & Hall/CRC Press/Kluwer,
35. Meng, X. Z., Sai, X. G., Wang, C. X.,
Wang, J., Sha, S. Y., &Zhou, X. L. (2005).
Auditory and speech processing and reading
development in Chinese school children: Behavioural
and ERP evidence. Dyslexia, 11(4), 292-310.
36. Muneaux, M., Ziegler, J., Truc, C., Thomson,
J., &Goswami, U. (2004). Deficits in beat
perception and dyslexia. Evidence from French.
Neuroreport, 15(7), 1-5.
37. Posner, M. & Rothbart, M. (2007).
Research on Attention Networks as a Model
for the Integration of Psychological Science,
58, 1-23.
38. Rayner, K., Pollatsek, A., & Bilsky,
A. B. (1995). Can a temporal processing deficit
account for dyslexia? Psychonomic Bulletin
and Review, 2(4), 501-507.
39. Rey, V., DeMartino, S., Espesser, R.,
& Habib, M. (2002). Temporal processing
and phonological impairment in dyslexia: Effect
of phoneme lengthening on order judgment of
two consonants. Brain and Language, 80(3),
40. 40. Richards, T.L. & Berninger, V.W.
2007. Abnormal fMRI connectivity in children
with dyslexia during a phoneme task: Before
but not after treatment. Journal of Neurolinguistics,
Available online 17 August 2007. September
2007 news report
41. Rommelse, N., Oosterlaan, J., Fuitelaar,
J., Faraone, S., & Sergeant, J. (2007).
Time Reproduction in Children With ADHD and
Their Nonaffected Siblings. Journal of the
American Academy of Child Adolescent Psychiatry,
46, 5.
42. Santos, A., JolyPottuz, B., Moreno, S.,
Habib, M., & Besson, M. (2007). Behavioural
and event- related potentials evidence for
pitch discrimination deficits in dyslexic
children: Improvement after intensive phonic
intervention. Neuropsychologia, 45(5), 1080-1090.
43. SchulteKorne, G., Deimel, W., Bartling,
J., & Remschmidt, H. (1999). The role
of phonological awareness, speech perception,
and auditory temporal processing for dyslexia.
European Child &Adolescent Psychiatry,
8, 28-34.
44. Strehlow, U., Haffner, J., Bischof, J.,
Gratzka, V., Parzer, P., & Resch, F. (2006).
Does successful training of temporal processing
of sound and phoneme stimuli improve reading
and spelling? European Child & Adolescent
Psychiatry, 15(1), 19-29.
45. Talcott, J. B., Hansen, P. C., Assoku,
E. L., & Stein, J. F. (2000). Visual motion
sensitivity in dyslexia: evidence for temporal
and energy integration deficits. Neuropsychologia,
38(7), 935-943.
46. Tallal, P. (2004). Improving language
and literacy is a matter of time. Nature Reviews:
Neuroscience, 5, 1-8.
47. Tallal, P. (2003). Language learning disabilities:
Integrating research approaches. Current Directions
in Psychological Science, 12(6), 206-211.
48. Tallal, P., & Gaab. N. (2006). Dynamic
auditory processing, musical experience and
language development. Trends in Neurosciences,
29(7), 382-390.
49. 49. Taub, G., McGrew, K. & Keith,
T. (2007). Improvements in interval time tracking
and effects on reading achievement. Psychology
in the Schools, 44 (8), 849-863.
50. Thaut, M., Kenyon, G., Hurt, C., McIntosh,
G., & Hoemberg, V (2002). Kinematic optimization
of spatiotemporal patterns in paretic arm
training with stroke patients. Neuropsychologia,
40, 1073-1081.
51. Ulbrick, P., Churan, J., Fink, M., &
Wittman, M. (2007). Temporal reproduction:
Further evidence for two processes. Acta Psychologica,
125, 51-65.
52. Valdois, S., Bosse, M. L., & Tainturier,
M. J. (2004). The cognitive deficits responsible
for developmental dyslexia: Review of evidence
for a selective visual attentional disorder.
Dyslexia, 10(4), 339-363.
53. Van Ingelghem, M., van Wieringen, A.,
Wouters, J., Vandenbussche, E., Onghena, P.,
& Ghesquiere, P. Psychophysical evidence
for a general temporal processing deficit
in children with dyslexia. Neuroreport, 12(16),
54. Vatakis, A. & Spence, C. (2007). Evaluating
the influence of the unity assumption on
the temporal perception of realistic audiovisual
stimuli. Acta Psychologica (in press).
55. Virsu, V., Lahti-Nuuttila, P., & Laasonen,
M. (2003). Crossmodal temporal processing
acuity impairment aggravates with age in developmental
dyslexia. Neuroscience Letters, 336(3), 151-154.
56. Walker, M. M., Givens, G. D., Cranford,
J. L., Holbert, D., & Walker, L. (2006).
Auditory pattern recognition and brief tone
discrimination of children with reading disorders.
Journal of Communication Disorders, 39(6),
57. Wearden, J. (2004). Decision processes
in models of timing. Acta Neurobiologiae Experimentalis,
58. Wong, P., Skoel, E., Russo, N., Dees,
T., & Kraus, N. (2007). Musical experience
shapes human brainstem encoding of linguistic
pitch patterns. Nature Neuroscience.