Tomatis Method
& LiFT Literature: More than 100 papers,
starting 1952
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1. A Solution
to the Riddle Dyslexia - Levinson HN. (Berlin,
Springer-Verlag, 1980)
2. About the Tomatis Method ? Gilmor T., Madaule
P., Thompson B. (Toronto: The Listening Centre
Press, 1989)
3. Again: auditory training acc. to Tomatis,
4. Alternative and controversial treatments
for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder.
- Baumgaertel A. Pediatr Clin North Am. 1999
Oct;46(5):977-92. Review.
5. An historical commentary on the physiological
effects of music: Tomatis, Mozart and neuropsychology.
- Thompson BM, Andrews SR. Integr Physiol
Behav Sci. 2000 Jul-Sep;35(3):174-88. Review.
6. An Historical Commentary on the Physiological
Effects of Music: Tomatis, Mozart and Neuropsychology,
Vol.35(3), 2000.
7. Audio-psycho-phonology acc. to Tomatis,
8. Audio-psycho-phonology: a comparative outcome
study on anxious primary school pupils - Plessis
WFD. and Jaarsveld PV. South African Journal
of Psychology 18(4): 144-151, 1988.
9. Auditory integration training and other
sound therapies for autism spectrum disorders.
- LinksSinha Y, Silove N, Wheeler D, Williams
K. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2004;(1):CD003681.
10. Auditory training following Tomatis. PADIATRISCHE
PRAXIS, Vol.51(3), 1996.
11. Beethoven Is Living Upstairs ? Hammond
S. (A & M Record Co., 1989)
12. Birth without Violence - Leboyer F. (New
York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1974)
13. Brief report: the effects of Tomatis sound
therapy on language in children with autism.
- Corbett BA, Shickman K, Ferrer E. J Autism
Dev Disord. 2008 Mar;38(3):562 -6. Epub 2007
Jul 3.
14. Diagnosis of Vestibular Disorders in the
Learning Disabled - J. de Quiros, Journal
of Learning Disabilities 9: 50-58, 1976.
15. Education et Dyslexie ? Tomatis A. (Paris:
Editions E.S.F., 1971)
16. Fetal Reactivity to Tonal Stimulation:
A Preliminary Report ? Bernard J and Sontag
LW. Journal of Genetic Psychology 70:205-210,
17. Human Development ? Faulkner F. (Philadelphia:
W.B. Saunders Publishing, 1966).
18. LOreille et le Langage ? Tomatis A. (Paris:
Editions du Seuil, 1963)
19. La Surdite Professionelle ? Maduro R.,
Lallement M., Tomatis A. (Paris: Librarie
Arnette, 1952)
20. Les Troubles Scolaires? Tomatis A. (Paris:
Ergo Press, 1988)
21. Long Term Average Spectra of Continuous
Speech Before and After Tomatis Audio-Vocal
Training - W.WEISS, Revue Parole 77, 1985.
22. Modifications Phonatoires dOrigine Auditive
et Applications Physiologiques et Cliniques
? Hussson MR., Moulonguet M. Bulletin de lAcademie
Nationale de Medecine/2 141:19-20, 1957.
23. Mozart ? Davenport M. (New York:Avon Books,
24. Multimodal enhancement of culturally diverse,
young adult musicians: a pilot study involving
the Tomatis method, SOUTH AFRICAN JOURNAL
OF PSYCHOLOGY, Vol.31(3), 2001.
25. Neonate Movement Is Synchronized with
Adult Speech: Interactional Participation
and Language Acquistion ? Condon W. and Sandler
L. Science, 11 January 99-101: 1974.
26. Neuf Mois au Paradis ? Tomatis A. (Paris:
Ergo Press, 1989)
27. On the request that Social Security take
responsibility for the Tomatis method - Pialoux
P. Bull Acad Natl Med. Jan;177(1):43-6, 1993.
28. Perceptual Theories of Middle Ear Muscle
Function - FB Simmons, Annals of Otolaryngology,
Rhinology, Laryngology 73: 724-739, 1964.
29. Plan of therapy and rehabilitation in
stuttering patients - Szkiekowska A, Raty?ska
J, Czyzewski A, Skarzy?ski H, Kurkowski M,
Mularzuk M, Markowska R. Otolaryngol Pol.
30. Postural System, Corporal Potentiality
and Language.- Quiros JB., Shrager OD.,? Foundations
of Language Development (New York: Academic
Press, 1975)
31. Pourquoi Mozart? ? Tomatis A. (Paris Fixot,
32. Pre- and Peri-Natal Psychology: An Introduction
- Verny T. (New York: Humans Sciences Dress,
33. Prenatal and Neonatal Speech ? Truby HM.
Pre-Speech and Infantile Speech Lexicon, 1971
34. Private Speech: Learning Out Loud ? Berk
LE. Psychology Today, May 1986, 34-42.
35. Research on Noise Disappears in the Din
? Brown MW., New York Times, 6 March 1990.
36. Response to Brief Report: The Effects
of Tomatis Sound Therapy on Language in Children
with Autism?
- Gerritsen, J., Journal of Autism and Developmental
Disorders Vol.38(3), 2008.
37. Rhythms of Learning - Brewer C. and Campbell
D. (Tuscon, AZ. Zephyr Press, 1991).
38. Role of the Tomatis method in the treatment
of auditory processing problems, PADIATRISCHE
PRAXIS, Vol.60 No.1, 2001.
39. Role of the Tomatis method in the treatment
of auditory processing problems, INTERNISTISCHE
PRAXIS, Vol.41(3), 2001.
40. Sensory Integration and Learning Disorders
- Jean Ayres (Los Angeles:Western Psychological
Services, 1972)
41. Some Pathological, Radiological and Clinical
Implications of Precocious Development of
the Humans Ear - Elliott GB. in Laryngoscope,
79(1964): 1160-1171.
42. The Acoustic Reflex ? Silman S. (Orlando,
FL: Academic Press Inc., 1984)
43. The Conscious Ear ? Tomatis A. (Station
Hill Press, 1991)
44. The Effects of Cochlear Ablation on Local
Cerebral Glucose Utilization in Fetal Sheep
- Abrams RM., Hutchison MB., McTieranan MJ.,
Merwin GE., American Journal of Obsteric Gynecology
157:1438-1442, 1987.
45. The Effects of Conductive Hearing Loss
on Auditory Function ? Katz J. A.S.H.A. Oct.
879-886, 1978.
46. The Feingold Cookbook for Hyper-active
Children - Feingold B. and Feingold H. (New
York: Random Hous, 1979).
47. The Improvement of Severe Psychomotor
and Neurological Dysfunctions Treated with
the Tomatis Audio-Psycho-Phonology Method
Measured with EEG Brain Map and Audit. - Vervoort,
J.,de Voigt, M.J.A.,Van den Bergh, W. JOURNAL
OF NEUROTHERAPY, Vol.11(4), 2007.
48. The Magical Child ? Pearce J. (New York:
Avon Books, 1979)
49. The Middle Ear Muscle ? Borg E., Counter
SA., Scientific American, August: 74-80, 1989.
50. The Movement Response of the Human to
Sound Stimuli ? Sontag LW., Wallace RF. Child
Development 6:253-258. 1993.
51. The Psycho-Motor Development of African
Children in the First Year and the Influence
of Maternal Behavior- Gerber M. Journal of
Social Psychology 47: 185-195, 1958
52. The Secret Life of the Unborn Child ?
Verny T. (New York: Dell Publishing Company,
53. The sound of a Miracle: A Childs Triumph
Over Autism- Stehli A. (New York: Doubleday,
54. The Tomatis Method and the Genesis Listening.
? Gilmor T. In Pre-and Peri-Natal Psychology
Journal 4:9-26, 1989
55. The Tomatis Method with severely autistic
boys: Individual case studies of behavioural
Vol.31(1), 2000.
56. The Tomatis method. - Tomatis, L., SOZIALPADIATRIE
57. Therapeutic Music and Sound in Health
Care, Part 2: The Tomatis Method - Frequency
Medicine for the 21st Century, Leeds, J. American
journal of acupuncture, Vol.25(4), 1997.
58. Tomatis, Alfred A. The Conscious Ear.
- Joiner, E. G. The Modern language journal,
Vol.80(4), 1996.
59. Two-year evaluation of the tomatis listening
training program with learning disabled children
- Kavale, Kenneth A.,Forness, Steven R.,MacMillan,
Donald L.,Gresham, Frnak M. Learning disability
quarterly, Vol.13(1), 1990.
60. Vers lEcoute Humaine - Tomatis A. (Paris:
Les Editions ESF, 1974)